Friday, November 18, 2011

Sophie is 4

Tuesday was the day when Sophie turned 4.

I am still blown away by the fact that my cheeky, funny, 'swirly wirly'(curls) haired little girl has turned 4 and also a little sad that my baby most certainly is not a baby any more at all.

She awoke to a lounge room with a pile of presents all wrapped up except for 1 super special present that we only decided to get her 2 days before and that was a little pink bike. She has been flying around on her trike so fast for ages now trying to keep up with Liv and her little legs would pump up and down so fast and her knees nearly hit the handle bars of the trike so we bit the bullet. She loves it, and has been riding it around the lounge and up and down the corridor as it hasn't been outside yet to get dirty wheels. She needs a helmet before she can ride outside too, I think a trip to the shops to get that tomorrow is the order of the day.

Zoe, her little friend came to play in the morning, which when I told Soph was going to happen she jumped up and down with joy at, and we had dinner over at Nanny and Poppy's with all the other cousins and Aunts and Uncles that live here. Sophie had a blast. She got some lovely presents and as you can see from the pictures had a lovely day all up.

More partying to come as I promised a party with her pre-school friends which is happening on Saturday.

I love you so much Sophie Smophie, you are a delight yet a headstrong little girl who is clingy to mummy but loves to climb and swim and play on swings. You are attracted to water, puddles, like I have never seen before and you recently have discovered snails, you love looking at them as they go for their 'walks' and you pick them up and help them along their way. Your laugh is infectious and you love to cuddle and be tickled. You ignore mummy a lot and she thought you were deaf this year as I have to say things 3 times to you before you answer, but no perfect hearing, you little monster. I love you Sophie.

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